We will build the Temple

Sand and glass. Join the construction.


Temples are founded by a community or the richest faithful choosing an administrator (or other community) – depending on the funds allocated for its operation.

The temple should contain (in harmony of elements)

Place for children / kindergarten / nursery
Altars (in the form of recesses dedicated to selected Gods)
Self-defense exercise room / gym / shooting range
Room with computers, wi-fi, to work
“Entertainment and Pleasure” room
Meditation room or Garden
Small Internal Sanctuary – Administrator’s Office
A minimum of two exits (and as recommendation one for each floor of the temple)
Dining Room with basic food, snacks and drink

and a minimum of one:

Kitchen / Canteen
Herb Garden
Garage / Workshop
Spa / Massage
Exchange Things Box
Learning room / Art Rooms


Within the organization, the temple is represented by one representative elected by the faithful and one administrator envoy. They are the voice of their community.

The temple cares for the faithful, helps to organize work, place – as needed, teaches and defends its members. It provides a place for free entertainment at a high level, experiencing joy, self-development, exercise and work. There must always be a trusted person at the entrance who lets someone inside know let in.


Each room have a function, each have a purpose. Temple will and should run a business and business help for fellow, actively protect, guide and use voluntary contributions and money earned for investments, even loans and other financial instruments – for the greater good.

Temple should run a range of celebrations. It can hold pagan and administrative ones, children should be taught. There should be run events with small gifts for every one participating without any first place nor concurrency. Dance and self defense (a specially for female), cooperative games, gym, teachings.

Two persons run a Temple (Administrator and Community Speaker) sometimes a Third – the Delegate from first Temple. Inner Order is bound to invest in to the Temple as whole but it is other tread. Hour for hour, favour or other.

There are many aspects. Still Tample should not serve meat (even as veganism isn’t a law for followers) nor earn on suffering, slavery, etc.

Every Tample should be adjusted to the conditions, environment, needs of the faithful, to the market, weather and possibilities.


Tample should have red, green, gold – colors and can have room yellow, pink, blue, black, browns, orange.


As there are types of bodies so should be types of Temples of Multipath, this is main patter.

Never forget the wrongs – but let followers live.

Never be hasty – time will pass and justice will be made when the time is right.

Never forget the favours – Dragon is generous.

Always protect, let them be satiated and safe.


Every Full Moon is a night of celebration. (The day and day after)


Published by Lun

The one who put the revelations on to the paper. I've been experiencing the contact with the Celestial Dragon - God. Here are what she wanted to be written.

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